
I build with wood.

I build with words.

And somewhere between the two,

something deeper takes shape.

For years, I did what I thought I was supposed to do—until I woke up one day and realized

my soul had been whispering to me all along, waiting for me to listen.

So I turned the page

This space isn’t about business as usual.

It’s about exploration.

About what happens when we trust the pull of something unknown and see where it leads.

I craft furniture that carries a presence.

I write words that open doors.

And I invite you into the space between—

where making and becoming go hand in hand.

And if you’re still reading this…

maybe something inside you is knocking too.

Pay attention.

The soul is always speaking, nudging, inviting.

I’d love to hear what’s stirring in you—what’s bubbling up as you read, create, or step into something new.

What’s calling your name?

What’s been waiting for your attention?